Discover new music from within or outside your library.
This script can be selected as the AutoDJ source and it will fill the Now Playing list as specified in your options. This script allows the user to set a minimum number of tracks per album, and the average rating of the songs on the album. You can also set the minimum rating per track. It all helps you get the best ones! The script remembers which albums it has previously selected and doesnt play them again (memory capacity set by user).
Rik Lewis
Submitted by trixmoto
Updated 03/02/2012
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 3.8
- Updated:
- 03/02/2012
- Size:
- 12.03 KB
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
- Fixed the object required list error
This script selects tracks based on the BPM (Beats Per Minute). Once installed the option "Auto Beats DJ" will appear in the dropdown of sources in the Auto DJ options sheet. Selecting this as the source will allow you to choose a filter and the tolerance. Please note that you should only run this script if you have tracks where the BPM has been calculated. If you do not have any (in the filter selected) then this will cause Auto DJ to cease functioning.
Rik Lewis
Submitted by trixmoto
Updated 12/07/2012
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 1.4
- Updated:
- 12/07/2012
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Added 2 new options to tweak track selection.
- Version:
- 1.3
- Updated:
- 03/02/2012
- Size:
- 3.48 KB
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
- Fixed selecting a filter causes errors

Last FM nodes with Last FM DJ mode
Explore your library and get last fm track lists and artists from out of your own library.
Submitted by Teknojnky
Updated 19/04/2020
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 1.2.2020.04.19.1000
- Updated:
- 19/04/2020
- Size:
- 23.97 KB
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Changes:
Recent Updates:
* fixed error 424 during similar track search
* not sure what I screwed up with fixurl, but I added some hardcoded codes to help bjork etc
* added option for key, see Tools > options > library > node
* you must enter a key, either your own or a publicly available one (see forum) or'
* updated api urls and changed to HTTPS'
* added some more logging, also added logging for tracks not found in library
potentially useful to see what artists/tracks you might be interested in'
that you don't already have'
* removed group and location nodes'
* added global top tracks under 'users' node'
* * added user recently played tracks under a favorite user node
The Last.FM Scrobbler saves your playback history to the service so that you can find people with similar musical tastes and get personalized music recommendations.
Ventis Media
Submitted by Peke
Updated 27/11/2014
Version History / Details
- Version:
- Updated:
- 27/11/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Added basic status and stats
Added configuration for radio streams
Improved reliability
Fixed compatibility with Portable mode
- Version:
- Updated:
- 15/11/2011
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Version:
- Updated:
- 07/06/2011
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.1
- Changes:
- This new scrobbler adds compatibility with MediaMonkey 4.
- Version:
- Updated:
- 21/10/2009
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.1.1 - 3.1.2
- Changes:
- This is the initial release of the Last.FM Scrobbler.
Import play counts from your account to update your MediaMonkey database if needed.
Note: This script is stored to an external server, and may have been modified since it was posted.
Submitted by Psyker7
Updated 01/04/2013
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 3.3
- Updated:
- 01/04/2013
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Changes:
Fixed some errors in XML exported by Also updated some of the retry logic to allow clean failures if required, and to kill the pools if we get an error so resuming is quicker (if an HTTP connection hangs)
- Version:
- 3.2
- Updated:
- 24/02/2013
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Changes:
Fixed unicode issues with exports.
- Version:
- 3.1
- Updated:
- 31/01/2013
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Changes:
Updated version numbesr to be consistant with old vbs script.
Renamed files to remove references to python specific version
Added command line argument for non interactive.
Changes export files to be in a nice csv format.
- Version:
- 3.0
- Updated:
- 31/01/2013
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Changes:
Moved script to a python script, should run much faster now.
- Version:
- 2.4
- Updated:
- 20/04/2012
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Changes:
Fixed typo
- Version:
- 2.3
- Updated:
- 07/04/2012
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
System Open Cue File or Folder (if CUE not exists) for burn disc by one click.
Script add Menu Item to PopUp Menu
Also added Menu Item fo correct CUE: Delete incorect symbols add Cr to Lf
Oleg Chervyakov
Submitted by cholv
Updated 27/01/2016
Version History / Details
- Version:
- Updated:
- 27/01/2016
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0
- Changes:
Added Menu Item for correct CPU: Delete incorrect letter and add Cr to Lf
Submitted by nohitter151
Updated 03/02/2012
This script loops through the artists of all the selected (or visible) tracks. For each one it creates a playlist and fills it with tracks from related artists, found by querying Last.Fm. Don`t forget to play with the settings as there are some limits in there to stop massive playlists being created.
Rik Lewis
Submitted by trixmoto
Updated 26/10/2013
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 2.2
- Updated:
- 26/10/2013
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Fixed buttons appearing at the wrong time and added option to reset the script if needed.
- Version:
- 2.1
- Updated:
- 27/12/2012
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Fixed ReadLock/WriteLock errors and added option to ignore recently played tracks
- Version:
- 2.0
- Updated:
- 22/07/2012
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Fixed 4 known issues and added two new options, including rank tracks using Last.Fm.
Ratajik Software, LLC
Submitted by rusty
Updated 13/06/2011
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 2.98
- Updated:
- 13/06/2011
- License:
- Shareware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 5

XPORTY is a MediaMonkey script that will put you in complete control of the folder and file structure -and hence the playing order- on your target device when exporting tracks.
XPORTY 's features are:
- 9 different folder modes which let you determine the folder/file structure on the target.
- Support for popular and classical music.
- Use genre codes to enhance your listening experience.
- Use playlist names, abbreviated playlist names and playlist presets.
- Use the playlist track order and control the track numbering convention.
- Control the track format.
- Extensive error handling.
All settings can be changed by simply changing the name of your MediaMonkey playlist; it is not necessary to edit the script itself.
The script comes with a comprehensive, 100+ page manual that consists of two parts: how to organize your music collection properly and how to use XPORTY.
Submitted by FunnyFish
Updated 15/02/2012
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 1.0
- Updated:
- 15/02/2012
- Size:
- 2.98 MB
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Changes:
The installation ZIP file comes with:
- The XPORTY manual, XPORTY.PDF.
- The XPORTY script, XPORTY.TXT.
- The release notes, XPORTY.RelNotes.XLS
- A readable version of the script, XPORTY CR.TXT.
The manual contains all you need to know about installing and using the script, but can also be used as a stand-alone tutorial onhow to organize and tag your tracks in order to get the most out of your precious music collection.