With Android devices, Auto-Sync is unable to sync back ratings (without syncing back the entire file) and play count - whether in MTP (Media Player) or in MSC (Mass Storage) modes. The same applies for all USB mass storage devices. This extension allows you to sync your rating tags from any portable USB device back to MediaMonkey and play statistics from/to Android Music PlayerPro!
Submitted by Aff
Updated 03/12/2013
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 1.9.3
- Updated:
- 03/12/2013
- Size:
- 25.4 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
Messaage fixed when synced track is missing in MM
- Version:
- 1.9.2
- Updated:
- 12/03/2013
- Size:
- 25.39 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- Ignore case for Music node matching
- Version:
- 1.9.1
- Updated:
- 23/02/2013
- Size:
- 25.38 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- Match for USBMass*.dll instead of USBMass?.dll
- Check and optionally show duplicate tracks in XML
- Ignore case for XML look up
- More detailed log for duplicate tracks in XML
- Version:
- 1.8.1
- Updated:
- 16/10/2012
- Size:
- 24.43 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- Report layout improved
- Version:
- 1.8
- Updated:
- 15/10/2012
- Size:
- 24.39 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- XML track matching improved for unknown song titles
- Detailed reports
- Log tracks that were not found on the device
- Version:
- 1.7
- Updated:
- 07/10/2012
- Size:
- 22.63 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- XML track matching improved where PlayerPro uses file or folder name (e.g. flac, unknown album and multiple artists)
- Message and detailed log if tracks could not be found in the XML
- Version:
- 1.6
- Updated:
- 05/10/2012
- Size:
- 22.24 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- Added message text on how to ex-/import PlayerPro statistics and about deactivating WMDM
- Buttons in report list keep the exact position to the bottom when window is resized
- Log file shows statistics that are higher in MM than in PlayerPro (MM > XML)
- Version:
- 1.5
- Updated:
- 02/09/2012
- Size:
- 22.08 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- Change items in import file for Player Pro only where needed
- Inform user if import in Player Pro is recommended
- Version:
- 1.4
- Updated:
- 01/09/2012
- Size:
- 21.81 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- Sync stats from MM to Player Pro via import file (based on the last export)
- Sync back from PlayerPro was indicated even if there was no change, because of a finer time resolution in the XML than in MM
- Option for writing a debug log file
- Version:
- 1.3
- Updated:
- 19/02/2012
- Size:
- 21.44 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- Changes:
- Convert UTC/GMT to local time for last played date.
- Additional USBMass DLLs (e.g. USBMass1.dll for your phone and USBMass2.dll for your partner's phone) were ignored
- Version:
- 1.2
- Updated:
- 15/01/2012
- Size:
- 8.28 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Changes:
- Sync back of skip count (with MediaMonkey version 4) and last played date from Android PlayerPro.
- Version:
- 1.1
- Updated:
- 10/12/2011
- Size:
- 7.53 KB
- License:
- GPL 3.0
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4