It works similarly as the Queue option of Winamp, i.e. it allows creating of the list with tracks that will be played immediately after the currently playing track, no matter if Shuffle is turned on or off. After all tracks from the queue list finish playback, the program continues with the reproduction of the remaining tracks from the Playing panel.
There is no direct download, the add-on will be send by e-mail after received donation. The free version for MM4 is available for download at its web site.
Zvezdan Dimitrijević
Submitted by ZvezdanD
Updated 27/06/2022
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 3.0
- Updated:
- 27/06/2022
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 5
- Changes:
v3.0 - 2022-04-20
 * Added: version of the add-on for MediaMonkey v5.