The Batch Version of the Discogs Tagger.
Select one or more album and start the script.
Gets track/album information from discogs.com.
Please click the Support Button for more info.
Submitted by crap_inhuman
Updated 10/08/2021
Version History / Details
- Version:
- 2.5.7
- Updated:
- 10/08/2021
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.56 to 2.57 by crap_inhuman in 08.2021
- Added option to add the releases to the user collection at Discogs
- Version:
- 2.5.6
- Updated:
- 10/10/2020
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.55 to 2.56 by crap_inhuman in 10.2020
- Fixed wrong song sorting
- Version:
- 2.5.5
- Updated:
- 26/09/2020
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.54 to 2.55 by crap_inhuman in 09.2020
- Changed the Side to Disc function (2 Vinyl sides are one disc)
- Added 'Video' to the CD tag list
- Added option to replace the following chars ´ , ` , ’ , ‘ , †, “ with a '
- Songlist will now be sorted in order of Disc- and Tracknumber
- Bug removed: Fill Grouping tag could not be disabled
- Version:
- 2.5.4
- Updated:
- 23/01/2020
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.53 to 2.54 by crap_inhuman in 01.2020
- Now you can move a track with the Up/Down Button more than once, without selecting the track again
- Fixed a bug in processing the Heading tracks
- Version:
- 2.5.3
- Updated:
- 09/11/2019
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.52 to 2.53 by crap_inhuman in 11.2019
- Added option for tagging track-names
- Version:
- 2.5.2
- Updated:
- 30/12/2018
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.51 to 2.52 by crap_inhuman in 12.2018
- Added Grouping function: If tracks are grouped together with heading tracks, the name of it will be add to the grouping tag
- Fixed wrong separator in producer, conductor..etc tags
- Version:
- 2.5.1
- Updated:
- 07/04/2018
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.50 to 2.51 by crap_inhuman in 04.2018
- Minor bug fixes
- Version:
- 2.5
- Updated:
- 06/04/2018
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.49 to 2.50 by crap_inhuman in 04.2018
- Adjust the position of the listview
- Bug removed: Release could not be changed within the combobox
- Version:
- 2.4.9
- Updated:
- 03/04/2018
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- Changes:
Changes from 2.48 to 2.49 by crap_inhuman in 04.2018
- Filter now works correct
- If Filter was set, the background color of the drop-down field change to red (as a hint)
- Bug removed: Original Date will not used if another release was selected
- Some cosmetic changes to the script window
- Version:
- 2.4.8
- Updated:
- 18/01/2018
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.47 to 2.48 by crap_inhuman in 01.2018
- Discogs Batch Tagger now works with the portable Version of MM
- Improved identification of Release/Master/Label/Artist Discogs Numbers e.g. [r12345], [m12345], [l12345], [a12345]
- Fixed identification of master url
- Version:
- 2.4.7
- Updated:
- 24/06/2017
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.45 to 2.47 by crap_inhuman in 06.2017
- Bug removed: Updated Tags not always written to Database
- Fixed a ArtistSeparator bug
- Better display of errormessages
- Version:
- 2.4.5
- Updated:
- 11/12/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.43 to 2.45 by crap_inhuman in 12.2016
- Filter now works correct
- Added option for limiting releases
- Version:
- 2.4.3
- Updated:
- 20/10/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.42 to 2.43 by crap_inhuman in 10.2016
- Leading/Trailing spaces will now detected and deleted in track-names and the release number will be send to mysql db, a busy bee will then fix it at Discogs ;)
- Version:
- 2.4.2
- Updated:
- 15/10/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.41 to 2.42 by crap_inhuman in 10.2016
- Small bugfixes
- Version:
- 2.4.1
- Updated:
- 01/06/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.40 to 2.41 by crap_inhuman in 06.2016
- Discogs: Removed bug with featuring artist in the albumartist
- Musicbrainz: Removed one of the two blank character in featuring artist
- Trackname removed from first search
- Version:
- 2.4
- Updated:
- 27/04/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.30 to 2.40 by crap_inhuman in 04.2016
- New Version compiled with AutoIt !
- Version:
- 2.3
- Updated:
- 14/04/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.29 to 2.30 by crap_inhuman in 04.2016
- Added new feature: Add the selected album to your Discogs Collection
- The check if it's already in Discogs Collection can be turned off
- Added option to delete duplicated entries in tags
- Version:
- 2.2.9
- Updated:
- 24/03/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.28 to 2.29 by crap_inhuman in 03.2016
- Accessing discogs now with https
- Version:
- 2.2.8
- Updated:
- 23/01/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.27 to 2.28 by crap_inhuman in 01.2016
- Many small bugfixes
- Changed feat. Artist function: Now you can use ";" for separator
- Fixed some Artist-Separator bugs
- Version:
- 2.2.7
- Updated:
- 09/01/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.26 to 2.27 by crap_inhuman in 01.2016
- Removed bug with tracks
- Version:
- 2.2.6
- Updated:
- 05/01/2016
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.25 to 2.26 by crap_inhuman in 01.2016
- Bug at the end of the script removed
- Added check for new version once a day
- Removed bug with joint artists
- Added option: Move The in artist name to the end
- Search improved for more accurate results
- Added advanced search button
- Artist search now use discogs artist-id
- Fixed bug with ampersand in artistname
- Small bugfixes
- Version:
- 2.2.5
- Updated:
- 10/07/2015
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.24 to 2.25 by crap_inhuman in 07.2015
- Comma removed after artist
- Version:
- 2.2.4
- Updated:
- 10/06/2015
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.23 to 2.24 by crap_inhuman in 06.2015
- Small bugfixes
- Easier Discogs authorization
- Version:
- 2.2.3
- Updated:
- 07/02/2015
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.22 to 2.23 by crap_inhuman in 10.2014
- Added error-check for wrong amount of countríes
- Version:
- 2.2.2
- Updated:
- 11/08/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.21 to 2.22 by crap_inhuman in 08.2014
- Changed OAuth Authorization procedure
- Version:
- 2.2.1
- Updated:
- 27/07/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 4.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.15 to 2.21 by crap_inhuman in 07.2014
- Added OAuth authentication
- Now it's possible to use * as wildcard in the Keywords
- Added option: Print every involved people in a single line
- The default settings for saving the Cover Images can now be changed in the options menu
- Bug removed: Moving Track down to last position produced an error
- Bug removed: Empty format-tag produced an error
- Bug removed: Parsing wrong Artist Roles if a comma is between box brackets
- Bug removed with utf-8 characters in searchstring (with big help from tillmanj !!)
- In the options menu you can now enter the access token manually
- Bug removed in Keywords routine
- Removed bug with & character in searchstring
- Small bugfixes
- Version:
- 2.1.5
- Updated:
- 18/05/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.14 to 2.15 by crap_inhuman in 05.2014
- Adjust the script for fetching the small album art
- Adjust the script for removing leading and trailing spaces in Extra Artists
- Add option to turn off subtrack detection
- Version:
- 2.1.4
- Updated:
- 30/04/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.13 to 2.14 by crap_inhuman in 04.2014
- Added simple routine to check and remove point in track positions (1. , 2. , 3. )
- Bug removed: track position part
- Max count for releases is set to 250
- Version:
- 2.1.3
- Updated:
- 01/04/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.12 to 2.13 by crap_inhuman in 04.2014
- Bug removed: Filter doesn't work correctly
- There's no max count for release results
- Bug removed: Artist releases and Label releases work again
- Version:
- 2.1.2
- Updated:
- 25/03/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.11 to 2.12 by crap_inhuman in 03.2014
- Moving the tracks with the Up and Down Button now work
- Bug remoeved: Sub-Track do not select(set) the song
- Added the option for switching the last artist separator ("&" or "chosen separator")
- Version:
- 2.1.1
- Updated:
- 12/03/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.X - 4.X
- Changes:
Changes from 2.10 to 2.11
- Removed bug with more than one artist for a title
- Added simple routine to check for false position separators
- Version:
- 2.1
- Updated:
- 05/03/2014
- License:
- Freeware
- Works with:
- Media Monkey 3.X - 4.X
- Changes:
First release of this script.