Remove missing tracks

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Remove missing tracks

Post by Evilfairy »

Hi all :)

I'm sure I'm just being dense here, but even after reading previous topics I can't seem to figure it out.

How do I get MediaMonkey to remove any missing tracks from my library?

Additionally, can I do that for just a selection of tracks?

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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by MMFrLife »

If you are trying to remove them so you can rescan them, you can try Locate Moved/Missing Tracks without having to
use Add/Rescan.

If you just want to remove them from the library, you go to the tree > Entire Library > Location > and remove the locations that contain them by
right click > Remove > select appropriate choice from the menu.

If you want to do a selection:
You can just grab them by holding down left mouse button and drag select in the file list like you would do in Win Exp. (be careful to look around for a serviceable area
of a track line). For Example, if you do it right on top of the Title name it may try and "move" the track or at least give the illusion that it's moving it.
Or, you can select one and then hold down control to select any others like in Win Exp..

After either one of those, right click > Remove > choose from menu.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by Evilfairy »

MMFrLife wrote:If you are trying to remove them so you can rescan them, you can try Locate Moved/Missing Tracks without having to
use Add/Rescan.

If you just want to remove them from the library, you go to the tree > Entire Library > Location > and remove the locations that contain them by
right click > Remove > select appropriate choice from the menu.

If you want to do a selection:
You can just grab them by holding down left mouse button and drag select in the file list like you would do in Win Exp. (be careful to look around for a serviceable area
of a track line). For Example, if you do it right on top of the Title name it may try and "move" the track or at least give the illusion that it's moving it.
Or, you can select one and then hold down control to select any others like in Win Exp..

After either one of those, right click > Remove > choose from menu.
Hi, thanks for the reply :)

Unfortunately, none of those are doing what I want them to. I want to be able to remove all tracks in the library that don't point to files on the file system.

I could probably write a script to do it but I'm sure I saw that functionality built in somewhere, I just can't seem to find it!

Thanks for your time :)
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by MMFrLife »

Evilfairy wrote:I want to be able to remove all tracks in the library that don't point to files on the file system.
If they are "missing", how do you know they are in the library to begin with?
Are they greyed-out?

Can you explain the exact nature of what you mean by missing?
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by Evilfairy »

MMFrLife wrote:
Evilfairy wrote:I want to be able to remove all tracks in the library that don't point to files on the file system.
If they are "missing", how do you know they are in the library to begin with?
Are they greyed-out?

Can you explain the exact nature of what you mean by missing?
The tracks are greyed out.

They exist in the MediaMonkey library but do not correspond to files on the file system
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by Meander »

Entire Library -> Files to Edit -> Dead Links
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by Evilfairy »

Meander wrote:Entire Library -> Files to Edit -> Dead Links
Where is "Entire Library"?
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by Meander »

Evilfairy wrote:Where is "Entire Library"?
It's not enabled by default, so go to:

Tools>Options>Library>Media Tree and check the box for Entire Library.
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by Evilfairy »

Meander wrote:
Evilfairy wrote:Where is "Entire Library"?
It's not enabled by default, so go to:

Tools>Options>Library>Media Tree and check the box for Entire Library.
Thank you for the assistance :)

I have Entire Library in my media tree now, but I can't find "Files to Edit". Where is this?
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by MMFrLife »

It is a node under Entire Library.
Enable it in the same area that you enabled Entire Library.
Double click Entire Library in Manage Collections > Nodes tab
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
Top 2 scripts: RegExp Find & Replace (e.v.) and Magic Nodes (e.v.) ZvezdanD's scripts site
Please take a moment to read the bottom of the linked page to support the one and only - ZvezdanD! (the "originator" since 2006).
MMW; || back it up...frequently!
|| software for power users: "Q-Dir" (free alt. to explorer) and file/folder renamer: "ReNamer" (den4b)
"The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth"
MM user99

Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by MM user99 »

None of these work.

My HDD died, so I got a new one and restored from a backup. Now EVERY song in my library has a greyed-out duplicate.

I activated Entire Library as recommended, but NONE of these duplicates appear in the dead links area or any other area. I checked the 'remove dead links' box and rescanned the database, also didn't work.

In the end I deleted my database and rescanned. This worked. Crazy that there's no fix for this yet.

Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by alexw »

> My HDD died, so I got a new one and restored from a backup. Now EVERY song in my library has a greyed-out duplicate.

This happened to me, too. In my case, I was able to remove the greyed-out duplicates by going to Entire Library -> Location. I noticed that both my old and new hard drives were listed there, but only the new hard drive had an actual volume letter associated with it. I right-clicked the old hard drive and did "Remove", which removed the grayed-out items from the database.
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by mrtumnus »

I had tracks that I had deleted from an album within Windows explorer that would still show, albeit greyed out, within the library.

You need to enable the 'remove unavailable items' option. I did the following:

File -> 'Add/rescan files to the library'

I have folder monitoring set at continuously and at start up of only 1 folder.

Click the 'options' button.
Check 'remove unavailable items'

That's what worked for me.
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by Richard127 »

mrtumnus wrote: Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:49 pm I had tracks that I had deleted from an album within Windows explorer that would still show, albeit greyed out, within the library.

You need to enable the 'remove unavailable items' option. I did the following:

File -> 'Add/rescan files to the library'

I have folder monitoring set at continuously and at start up of only 1 folder.

Click the 'options' button.
Check 'remove unavailable items'

That's what worked for me.
I had installed a new drive and this happened to me. Your solution worked for me but I have a large library and it took about 5 hours. Just to delete missing, non-existant files. Gotta say Musicbee just recognised the Drive letter (once I'd copied the files over, I renamed the new drive with the same drive letter and name) and carried on as normal. MM had to scan my whole library and added all the music again from the new drive, but also kept all the titles from the now absent drive (greyed out). There's gotta be an easier way MM.
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Re: Remove missing tracks

Post by Lowlander »

In MediaMonkey 5 you can re-assign drive in these scenarios.
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