Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

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Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by Gingernut63 »

I also have the same problem. I am using MediaMonkey Gold beta and Silence Between Songs v.3.0. Options not selected. Note: Crossfade and Auto Crossfade deselected.

Error #424 - Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Object required: 'GapProgress'
File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto\SilenceBetweenSongs.vbs" Line: 160, Column: 6

The error appeared when one track finished and the second tried to start. The play then skipped to the third track, totally bypassing the second. The error appeared once, the 2nd track skipped evertime I repeated the play sequence above. With Silence Between Songs (SBS) deselected in Play the 2nd track played every time. Restarting MediaMonkey and re-selecting SBS, I could replicated the skipping of the 2nd track but not Error #424.

For the record (Ha Ha Ha - joke for the older people on the forum) the pieces of music came from Julia Fischer - Poème, Track sequence: 1 Respighi - Poema autunnale, 2 Vaughan Williams - The Lark Ascending, 3 Suk - Fantasy (all Flac)

P.S. Sorry for the attempt at humour
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Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by Eyal »

Sorry but I have no clue about how to fix the "Object Required" problem, because apparently there is nothing to fix.
The error does not show on the same line for everybody, and it's working fine on most systems.

Maybe it is related to 64 bit OS? I don't know and can't test it as I only have XP and Vista 32 bits.
Or should it be the Input or Output plugin you use, that doesn't respond quickly enough?

I suggest you to:
- close MM, delete the [SilenceBetweenSongs] section from Mediamonkey.ini,
- uninstall/reinstall the script,
- try it with MM's standard Input and Output plugins
- ? ...

Eyal :~)
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Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by Gingernut63 »

@ Eyal

More info.

My system is using Win7 32bit. Using standard input and output plugins

Another user, mccstumble was using V2.2 and having no problems until.... See his issue below:

"Might be worth noting I was running SBS V2.2 and all was going quite well. I then noted you were running Ver3 so I interupted my playlist to install that version. Disaster - i got the error message. Easy peasy, i thought, and reinstated Ver 2.2 but stuck with the same error message. It seems to be looking for some gapless info that isn't there???"

mccstumble's issue with re-installing V2.2 might be fixed by doing the following? "- close MM, delete the [SilenceBetweenSongs] section from Mediamonkey.ini,"

Is it linked to the the amount of silence at the beginning of certain tracks?

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Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by mccstumble »


I am also running Vista 32 bit.

Oddly enough when I uninstalled 3 and reinstalled 2 and vica versa the problem remained. I also noted that almost every 2nd track was then being skipped. Hope this might help identify the issue


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Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by Mr_Pooh »

I have been using Silence Between Songs for a couple of years on a 6 year old XP-based PC. Recently, said machine gave up the ghost. My new machine is a 64-bit Win7 (Ult.) box. I have be unable to successfully install Silence Between Songs on my new PC. During install, I get an error duialog box that says "Product installation Error".

If I subsequently go to Tools | Extensions , the "Silence Between Songs" extension is displayed in the Extensions dialog box but the relevant "play" options do not appear in the Options dialog.

I've tried uninstalling SBS from the Tools | Extensions dialog and themn re-running the mmip install but it fails in the same place each time.

I am running MediaMonkey Gold, ver

Additional info:

Code: Select all

OS Name	Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version	6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description 	Not Available
OS Manufacturer	Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer	Dell Inc.
System Model	OptiPlex 790
System Type	x64-based PC
Processor	Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz, 3101 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date	Dell Inc. A05, 5/28/2011
SMBIOS Version	2.6
Windows Directory	C:\Windows
System Directory	C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device	\Device\HarddiskVolume2
Hardware Abstraction Layer	Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)	8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory	7.96 GB
Available Physical Memory	5.72 GB
Total Virtual Memory	15.9 GB
Available Virtual Memory	11.8 GB
Page File Space	7.96 GB
Page File	C:\pagefile.sys
Any suggestions? Thx!

Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by Mr_Pooh »


Go it to work!

Basically by running MediaMonkey in # WINXPSP2 compatibiluity mode. Here were the steps:

1. From START menu, RIGHT-click MediaMonkey and choose "Troubleshoot Compatibility"

2. On subsequent dialog box, choose "Try recommended settings"

3. From the "Test compatibility settings for the program" dialog, choose "Start the program..."

4. After MediaMonkey starts, switch to a Windows Explorer window, navigate to the SBS plug-in file, right click on the mmip file (note: the ".mmip" extensions are only displayed if you've modified the default Windows settings) and select "Install Media Monkey package". Hopefully, the plug-in will fully install this time - it did for me.

5. Close MediaMonkey and return to the "Test compatibility settings for the program" dialog, click the "Next" button.

6. From the "Troubleshooting has completed. Is the problem fixed?" dialog, I select "Yes, save these settings for this program"

Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by Mr_Pooh »

After going through this, it appear a quicker, simpler way to achieve the same thing is:

1. From START menu, RIGHT-click on MediaMonkey and choose "Properties"

2. Select the "Compatibility" tab. Check the box that reads "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"

3. From the drop down, select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2). Then click OK. Done

Then start MediaMonkey and install Silence Between Songs. :) :)
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Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by Eyal »

Hi Mr_Pooh,

I'm glad you succeed in installing in Win 7, but I think there's an easier method to achieve this.
As described in first post, Win7 and Vista must run the install with administration rights:
--> ... ticleid=59
It must be done with any MM script.

THANKS for using Silence Between Songs!

Eyal :~)
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Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by MrPooh »

Thanks for the follow up Eyal.

I'm pretty sure that I had tried your suggestion earlier - i.e. running MM with "Run As Administrator" - and I got the same install error when installing SBS. But I cannot absolutely swear to this. Your suggestion is much simpler solution if it works - and since it takes only a few seconds to try, it makes sense to try it first.

I'm just glad to have SBS working again.

The default 'cross-fade' setting of MM and the fact that inserting silence between songs requires a plug-in speaks a bit to the psychology of the 'typical' music listener. I like about 5--10 seconds of silence between songs and I hate cross-fades. I also want about 10 minutes or so of silence every 40-50 minutes or so. I must be fairly atypical in this regard.
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Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by Eyal »

MrPooh wrote:I also want about 10 minutes or so of silence every 40-50 minutes or so.
It is a very good idea. Allow me to implement this in a future release.
MrPooh wrote:I must be fairly atypical in this regard.
:lol: No, I don't think you are atypical on this matter.

Peace :~)
Skins for MediaMonkey: Cafe, Carbon, Helium, Spotify, Zekton. [ Wiki Zone ].

Re: Silence Between Songs v3.0 [MM3] updated 2010-12-26

Post by OnnoTabak »

There seems to be a problem with SBS in MM4 skipping songs. The behaviour of StopAfterCurrent in MM3 is that it really stops at the end of the song. In MM4 it selects the next song and stops there. That means that SDB.Player.Next plays the next song while skipping the selected song in MM4, so every second song is skipped.

As a quick hack you can remove the red lines in the script. I haven't checked if that effects the gappless tracks.

Sub GapOnTimer(Timer)
' Remove the following lines in MM4
If GapProgress.Value = 0 Then
End If

I have also noticed that during the installation of SBS in MM4 it asks for installation for one user or all users. If you opt for one user it will be placed in your users profile.
However if there is an old script of the same name in the MM program folder that old script will be used instead of the script in the users profile.
Eric Genname
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Silence between songs skips tracks

Post by Eric Genname »

If I select the Play option Silence between songs, MM4 skips every other track. MM3 did not have this problem.
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Re: Silence between songs skips tracks

Post by Lowlander »

Are you referring to using the addon Silence Between Songs?
Eric Genname
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Re: Silence between songs skips tracks

Post by Eric Genname »

Menu | Play | Silence between songs
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Re: Silence between songs skips tracks

Post by Lowlander »

As MediaMonkey doesn't have this option it must be an addon. In that case you need to post in the addons own thread for the author to see it.
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