'Application error' when hitting backspace from search box

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'Application error' when hitting backspace from search box

Post by tbm72 »

Had this error appear twice today when typing in the search box and then hitting backspace until the search box is empty and then pressing backspace again. Can't seem to replicate it again now but it crashed MM twice for me today.

(latest version 3113)

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Re: 'Application error' when hitting backspace from search box

Post by tbm72 »

Just happened again. Also I don't really understand what's supposed to happen when backspacing all the way back until you've got an empty search box. If I then press backspace again it seems to cycle through different nodes. (e.g. I start off in the Music node and then keep pressing backspace in the search box until it's empty. At that point when it's deleted all characters and I press backspace again the view then jumps to display random nodes.)
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Re: 'Application error' when hitting backspace from search box

Post by Lowlander »

Backspace is used for navigation too. Please capture this in a debug log (step 4b) and attach the log to a Support Ticket: https://en.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=86643

Related to: https://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=15952
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Re: 'Application error' when hitting backspace from search box

Post by Rob_S »

I can actually reproduce that, using list view and all files

Start by adjusting the columns in list view maybe add one and change column widths

Then If I begin typing into the global search box, the view changes back to the unedited list view.

If I backspace away all characters and one more time, the edited list view returns

So far no crash, but the changing of the views is happening.
Using V2024 LATEST alpha or beta build on Windows 11, HP laptop, managing 13k tracks
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Re: 'Application error' when hitting backspace from search box

Post by Lowlander »

Unable to reproduce, please capture this in a debug log (step 4b) and attach the log to a Support Ticket: https://en.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=86643
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