Files are Missing from the MediaMonkey Library

After scanning your hard drive, you might face the situation in which some files don’t appear in your library. There are several possible reasons:

Files are in the Library, but not where expected

The files may have been scanned to a different Collection than expected. This can occur if the files contain incorrect metadata (e.g. a music file with Genre=Book will be scanned into the Audiobooks Collection). To find such files:
– Use the Entire Library > Location node in the Media Tree and navigate to the folder that should contain the files *.
– OR initiate a global search (CTRL-F or the search button in the upper-right corner) for the file.

The files are in the library, but don’t appear in the node you expect because they have no associated metadata. For instance aht.mp3 may not contain any metadata and the filename is meaningless as well, so it won’t appear in any Artist, or Album, or Genre node! And even if you do find the file, all fields except Title will be blank! To find such files:
– Browse Entire Library > Files to Edit > Unknown Title, Unknown Artist or Unknown Album
– OR Use the Entire Library > Location node in the Media Tree and navigate to the folder that should contain the files *.
– OR initiate a global search (CTRL-F or the search button in the upper-right corner) for the file.

Once you locate the ‘missing’ files, edit the Type to ensure they appear in the right Collection, and edit metadata (e.g. Title, Artist, Album, etc.) so that they can be easily found.

* If the ‘Entire Library’ Collection isn’t displayed, you can enable it via Tools > Options > Collections & Views in the Main Menu.

Files Were Not Scanned Due to Configuration Issues

  1. The location containing the files wasn’t configured to be scanned. Make sure that the location is entered correctly in the Add/Rescan Files dialog.
  2. The files were added to your drive after a scan was initiated in MediaMonkey. If you want MediaMonkey to regularly update the library to reflect changes on your drive, set Locations to be scanned on a Schedule of ‘At startup & Continuously’ in the Add/Rescan Files dialog.
  3. MediaMonkey only scans file formats that it supports AND that have been enabled for scanning. If you’re trying to scan a format that isn’t natively supported, there may be a plugin to add support for that format. After installation of the plugin make sure you enable the format in the Add/Rescan Files dialog.
  4. Settings under Tools > Options > Library from the Main Menu include options to ignore short files which will cause short files from being scanned.

Files Were Not Scanned for Other Reasons

  1. MediaMonkey will ignore files stored in folders reserved for MediaMonkey’s use. Depending on your version of MediaMonkey this can include the Virtual CD, Previews and UPnP Cache folders.
  2. MediaMonkey will ignore files that are set as or are stored in folders set as hidden in the file system.
  3. MediaMonkey 4 and older will not scan files with a Path exceeding 248 characters. Shorten the Path to have the files scanned by MediaMonkey 4 and older. This limitation doesn’t exist for MediaMonkey 5+.
  4. MediaMonkey can fail to scan files when the extension of the file is incorrect. For example some MP2 files are given the incorrect MP3 extension.
  5. Corrupted files can be skipped on scanning. You can attempt to play the file with MediaMonkey from File Explorer to see if playback also fails.
  6. If all files from a drive are ignored on scanning make sure the drive letter isn’t set under IgnoreDriveLetters= in the MediaMonkey.ini.
  7. Some NAS devices (notably Infrant hardware) seem to stall and/or fail to scan some files due to network-related issues. In such cases, setting the device’s TCP MTU to 1492 and disabling jumbo frames on the device may solve the problem.

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